1. Admission implies on the part of the pupil and the parents
willingness to comply with the requirement and regulations of the
2. The admission is restricted by certain regulations and by
conditions of age, mental aptitude, ability, and conduct of the
3. Defaulters list will be published on the notice board.
4. School fee is charged for the 10 months of the year. All fees must be
fully cleared before a student is admitted to any examination. If not
Hall Ticket will not be issued.
5. Parents are requested to meet the obligation promptly.
6. Parents will kindly keep the fee card and pay-in-slip counter foils
issued from the school with them at least for two years and produce
them whenever required by the school for any verification, if
7. The school fee is subject to change from time to time due to the
increasing cost of maintenance and other expense.
8. Examination result will be withheld if any dues are in arrears.
9. Students joining in or leaving in the middle of a term shall pay for
the full term. They have to close all the school dues before taking
out any certificate